Plot Results
2024 Plot Results & Information
Verona FTN Plot:
- Planted 5/18
- 32,000 population
- 50#P, 50#K, fall spread
- 55 gallons High NRG Nitrogen (27-0-0-1S) 2x2x0 on the planter
- 4 gallon ProGerminator (9-24-3) and 1.5 qt Micro500 in furrow at planting
- 1 gallon FertiRain (multi-nutrient), 1 gallon Sure-K (2-1-6), 1 pint Micro 500 (micro-blend), and 8 oz of FulFour (fulvic acid w/ micros)
- Current GDU’s – 1695 as of 8/29/2024
- Average GDU’s – 1762 as of 8/29/2024
Our plot is located 1 mile North of Infinity Ag on Hwy 1
Stay tuned for future harvest results. Give us a call to schedule a private tour at your convenience!

Call Infinity Ag today at (701) 432-1000 or click here to request more information.