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10K 24 Row 30" Planter
10K 24 Row 30" Planter
10K 24 Row 30" Planter
10K 24 Row 30" Planter
10K 24 Row 30" Planter
10K 24 Row 30" Planter
10K 24 Row 30" Planter
10K 24 Row 30" Planter
10K 24 Row 30" Planter
10K 24 Row 30" Planter
10K 24 Row 30" Planter
10K 24 Row 30" Planter
10K 24 Row 30" Planter
10K 24 Row 30" Planter
10K 24 Row 30" Planter

10K 24 Row 30" Planter

Condition: Used

Price: $420,000

Additional Information/Details:

  • 10K 24 Row 30"
  • Built for the 2023 Season.
  • Currently ran 2 season.
  • Control System: Precision Planting
  • Meter Type: vSet
  • Meter Drive: vDrive with SpeedTube
  • Down Force System: DeltaForce
  • In Furrow Fertilizer-
  • Application Method: Keeton seed firmer
  • Control System: SurePoint Ag via ISO
  • Sections:5
  • Pump: PumpRight Hydraulic Diaphragm (PR17)
  • Blockage System: Dual CAN FlowSense
  • Supply/Tank: Plumbed to tractor tanks or 2 720 gallon
  • Fertilizer-
  • Application Method: Conceal Single band
  • Control System: SurePoint Ag Rate Controller and Pump via ISO
  • Sections: 5
  • Pump: PumpRight Hydraulic Diaphragm (PR30)
  • Blockage System: Dual CAN Flow Sense
  • Supply/Tank: 2-750 gallon tanks mounted on planter
  • Shipping Available

Have Questions?
Please call (701) 432-1000 or email us for more information.


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